The Family Justice Initiative is hosting a webinar on pre-petition legal representation for parents and youth in the child welfare system. Presenters will discuss pre-petition representation programs, including funding, getting started, relationship with the child welfare agency as a referral source, best practices and outcomes. The webinar will be on September 23, from 3:00 to 4:30 pm Eastern Time.
Presenters will include:
- Adam Ballout, Family Intervention Response to Stop Trauma (FIRST) Clinic
- Lucia Murillo, Children’s Law Center of California
- Jeyanthi Rajaraman, Legal Services of New Jersey
- Michelle Jungers, Iowa Legal Aid
This webinar is for parents’ and children’s attorneys and interdisciplinary team members, child welfare agency staff and legal counsel, legal service organizations, law school clinics, court administrators, Court Improvement Program staff, and foundation partners.
Please register here:
For questions please contact Elizabeth Thornton.