Anti-Racist Lawyering In Practice Site Now Available!
FJI just launched the Anti-Racist Lawyering In Practice website. Collected here is a set of authoritative and adaptable resources, ideas, checklists, instructions, and templates for defense practitioners and multi-disciplinary professionals to examine the harm that children—particularly Black, Native American/Alaska Native, and Hispanic children—have experienced in the child welfare system and to intentionally adopt culturally responsive…
Webinar – News You Can Use: Title IV-E Child Welfare Funding for Legal Representation
FJI Executive Team Member Joanne Moore will be presenting on using Title IVE funds for legal representation on September 22, 2020.
Webinar: Pre-Petition Legal Representation for Parents and Youth
The Family Justice Initiative is hosting a webinar on pre-petition legal representation for parents and youth in the child welfare system. Presenters will discuss pre-petition representation programs, including funding, getting started, relationship with the child welfare agency as a referral source, best practices and outcomes. The webinar will be on September 23, from 3:00 to…
Webinar: Multidisciplinary Legal Representation and its Positive Impact on Reunifications
Please join the ABA Center on Children and the Law for a free webinar on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 12:30 – 2:00 PM EST. The webinar explores how high-quality legal representation for parents and family reunification. Download the flyer to learn how to register.