The following section offers a list of reliable sites that offer different data, along with a description of
the types of data.
- AFCARS- The Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System collects case level information on all children in foster care and those who have been adopted with title IV-E
agency involvement. State and Tribal title IV-E agencies are required to report AFCARS case-level
information on all children in foster care and children who have been adopted with title IV-E agency
involvement (per §479 of the Social Security Act). Specifically, the data include information about
children who enter foster care, their entries and exits, placement details, and foster/adoptive parent
information, which makes it possible to identify trends. - Children’s Bureau Child Welfare Information Gateway
Find reports, databases, and other sources of statistical data on child abuse and neglect,
foster care, adoption, and well-being.
• Most current national data
• Data reports and archives
• Child and family well-being statistics
• Child abuse and neglect statistics
• Foster care statistics
• Adoption statistics - Child Trends: State-level Data for Understanding Child Welfare in the United States
This comprehensive child welfare resource provides state and national data on child
maltreatment, foster care, kinship caregiving, and adoption from foster care. - NACC Race Equity Hub
This hub includes links to resources that support race equity, one of NACC’s core values.
Advocacy Tips
Federal Guidance and Communications
Journal Articles
Law Office/Agency Management
Related News
Research/Fact Sheets
Resource Hubs/Reading Lists
State/County/City Specific Resources
Systems Change
Working with Clients - The Annie E. Casey Family Foundation Kids Count Data Center
This site provides state and national data on various indicators of children’s well being. The viewer can
tailor a search by one or multiple indicators for both regional and national reports. - National Center for Juvenile Justice This site supplies demographic data on delinquency cases, has data dashboards on a variety of topics such as:
• Dating violence reported by high school students
• Characteristic and trends of youth victims of suicide and homicide
• Juvenile population characteristics
• Offending by juveniles
• Child maltreatment victims
• Children living in poverty
• Disproportionality Rates for Children of Color in Foster Care
STATE AND LOCAL DATA SOURCES - Various state DCF offices usually issue an annual report that include a lot of good data, like this in
Massachusetts: - California Child Welfare Indicators Project Data and technical assistance to promote child welfare
system improvement - United States Census Quick Facts Data
This website includes demographic information, including information on race and Hispanic origin, from
the previous census. Profiles are available for the nation, all 50 states plus the District of Columbia
and Puerto Rico, and all counties. Cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more are also